Palette – List of all power line elements

Drawing name - Default name is Drawing1 and it will be changed if user defines other name in saving option.

Surfaces - TIN surface models imported or created in the drawing.

Context menu:

Add surface:

- Create Surface From File ( TIN;I)

- Create Surface From Points/Polylines (TIN)

- Create Surface By Placing Points (TIN;P)

- Create Surface From 3D Faces (TIN;F)

- Create Surface From Civil 3D Surface (TIN;C)

All surfaces can be removed (PP_REMOVEALLSURFACES)

Sub context menu:

List of surfaces is shown.

- Rename surface

- Zoom to the surface

- Remove surface

Power lines - the list of all power lines in the current drawing.
Context menu:

Add a new line ( PP_DRAWPOWERLINE)
Import coordinates from a file (PP_IMPORTPOWERLINECOORDINATES)
All power lines can be removed (PP_REMOVEALLPOWERLINES)
Sub context menu:

List of supports is shown.

- Edit power line (PP_EDITPOWERLINE)

- Zoom to the power line

- Add supports to the power line (PP_ADDSUPPORTS)

- Add conductors (PP_ADDCONDUCTORS)

- Add ground wires (PP_ADDGROUNDWIRES)

- Create power line profile (PP_CREATEPOWERLINEPROFILE)

- Create support report (PP_CREATESUPPORTSREPORT)

- Create sag-tension report (PP_CREATESAGTENSIONREPORT)

- Create quantity report (PP_CREATEQUANTITYREPORT)

- Create powerline coordinates report (PP_CREATEPOWERLINECOORDINATES)

- Remove the power line (PP_REMOVEPOWERLINE)

- Sub context menu:

- Edit support (PP_EDITSUPPORT)

- Zoom to the support 

- Add/edit/remove insulators on support (PP_EDITINSULATOR)

- Remove support (PP_REMOVESUPPORT) 

Profiles - the list of all power line profiles.
Context menu:

Refresh all profile views - all changes made to the power line will be applied to the profile views ( PP_REFRESHPROFILEVIEWS)

Remove all profile views (PP_REMOVEALLPROFILES)

Sub context menu:

- Zoom to the model



Data Models - the list of all data models, including supports, insulators and cables.
Context menu:

Sub context menu Supports:
- Add new model (PP_ADDSUPPORTDATA)
- Sub context menu:
- Edit support data (PP_EDITSUPPORTDATA)
- Duplicate selected item to create new based on it (PP_DUPLICATESUPPORTDATA)
- Remove item (note: default data can not be removed, only user-defined) (PP_REMOVESUPPORTDATA)
Sub context menu Insulators: 
- Sub context menu:
- Edit insulator data (PP_EDITINSULATORDATA)
- Duplicate selected item to create new based on it (PP_DUPLICATEINSULATORDATA
- Remove item (note: default data can not be removed, only user-defined) (PP_REMOVEINSULATORDATA)

Sub context menu Cables:


- Export data to file (PP_EXPORTCONDUCTORDATA)

- Import data from file (PP_IMPORTCONDUCTORDATA)

- Sub context menu:

- Edit conductor data (PP_EDITCONDUCTORDATA)

- Duplicate selected item to create new based on it (PP_DUPLICATECONDUCTORDATA
- Remove item (note: default data can not be removed, only user-defined) (PP_REMOVECONDUCTORDATA)


Weather Conditions - the list of weather conditions containing information regarding wind and ice load.
Context menu:

Remove all unused models (note: default model will not be removed)
Sub context menu:


- Duplicate selected item to create new based on it (PP_DUPLICATEWEATHERCONDITIONS
- Remove item (note: default data can not be removed, only user-defined) (PP_REMOVEWEATHERCONDITIONS)

Referent Conditions - the list of all referent conditions containing information regarding base temperature, tensile stress used in calculations and whether ice occurs.
Context menu:

Remove all unused models (note: default model will not be removed)
Sub context menu:


- Duplicate selected item to create new based on it (PP_DUPLICATEREFERENTCONDITIONS
- Remove item (note: default data can not be removed, only user-defined) (PP_REMOVEREFERENTCONDITIONS)

Watch video tutorial to see how the command works

1 - user has possibility to run main commands from ribbon or by typing in command line. For running commands from command line, type the value from brackets.