Edits support properties
- Power line name: read-only.
- Type: tension or suspension. Cannot be modified.
- Data Model: Depending on the support type a list of available models is populated.
- Position X: x-coordinate of the support. Can be modified only for the tension supports.
- Position Y: y-coordinate of the support. Can be modified only for the tension supports.
- Position Z: z-coordinate of the support. Can be modified for the tension and suspension supports.
- Station: support station. Can be modified only for the suspension supports.
- Button Station: a position in the drawing can be dynamically picked.
- Angle: angle between support orientation and x-axis. This position is greyed out unless the Manually set angle
checkbox is checked.
- Button Angle: user can pick support orientation by rotating it around z-axis.
- Manually set angle checkbox: if checked, user can manually change support orientation, either by clicking on the Button Angle or by typing.
Watch video tutorial to see how the command works