Edits power line properties
- Power line name: unique name of the power line.
- Station: first support station.
Note: the number should be entered as 1234.56 (1+234.56 not supported).
- Support name prefix: a string which each support name starts with. It can be empty.
- Support counter starting value: number of the first support, if it is left empty 0 is assumed.
- Apply to all supports checkbox: if it is checked all support models will be replaced by the chosen tension and suspension support data models which will result in all insulators and catenaries added on the existing supports to be removed. If it is left unchecked only the default values in Add Supports Dialog will be changed.
- Tension support model: support data model which will be used for tension supports. The value is, also, set as default one for initial value in Add Supports Dialog.
- Suspension support model: support data model which will be used for suspension supports. The value is, also, set as default one for initial value in Add Supports Dialog.
- Weather and referent conditions: models used for power line calculations. By default, chosen models will be used when adding conductors or ground wires.
- Drape on existing surface checkbox: if checked user can choose a surface which the power line will be draped upon. If no surfaces are loaded into drawing the checkbox will be disabled.
- OK button: applies changes.
- Cancel button: cancels the command.
Watch video tutorial to see how the command works