Commands that are inaccessible from the ribbon but can be invoked from the project explorer or running from command line.

Remove all surfaces
Removes all surfaces in the drawing.

Remove all power lines
Removes all power lines in the drawing.

Duplicate support data model
Creates a duplicate data model from the selected one.

Remove support data model
Removes selected data model.
Default data models and models used in the drawing cannot be removed.

Duplicate insulator data model
Creates a duplicate data model from the selected one.

Remove insulator data model
Removes selected data model.
Default data models and models used in the drawing cannot be removed.

Duplicate conductor data model
Creates a duplicate data model from the selected one.

Remove conductor data model
Removes selected data model.
Default data models and models used in the drawing cannot be removed.

Duplicate weather conditions model
Creates a duplicate data model from the selected one.

Remove weather conditions model
Removes selected data model.
Default data models and models used in the drawing cannot be removed.

Remove unused weather conditions models
Removes all unused models.

Duplicate referent conditions model
Creates a duplicate data model from the selected one.

Remove referent conditions model
Removes selected data model.
Default data models and models used in the drawing cannot be removed.

Remove unused referent conditions models
Removes all unused models.

Remove all profiles
Removes all profile views.

Remove profile
Removes selected profile view.