Imports and creates new power line from XYZ coordinates


- Power line name: unique name of the power line.

- Station: first support station.

Note: the number should be entered as 1234.5 (1+234.5 not supported)

- Support name prefix: a string which each support name starts with. It can be empty.

- Support counter starting value: number of the first support, if it is left empty 0 is assumed.

- Tension support model: support data model which will be used for tension supports. The value is, also, set as default one for initial value in Add Support dialog.

- Suspension support model: support data model which will be used for suspension supports. The value is, also, set as default one for initial value in Add Support dialog.

- Weather and referent conditions: models used for power line calculations. By default, chosen models will be used when adding conductors or ground wires. 

- Drape on existing surface checkbox: if checked user can choose a surface which the power line will be draped upon. If no surface are loaded into drawing the checkbox will be disabled.

- Import file: a .txt or .csv file which the support positions will be imported from. More about this file see here: Appendix 1: Import coordinates file.

- Import button: Draws the power line based on the imported coordinates. Shows an error message if the file was corrupted.

- Cancel button: cancels the command.

Error message if the file was corrupted:

Watch video tutorial to see how the command works