Generates power line profile for a power line

TAB - General

– Name: unique value.
– Power line name: read-only.
– From support: support which the profile will be created from.
– To support: support which the profile will be created to.
– Conductors: read-only list of conductors between selected supports.

TAB - Preferences

– Horizontal scale: 1:1 – length in plan view is the same as in the profile view. 1:2 – length in profile view is a half the size of the plan view. 2:1 – length in profile view is double the size in the plan view.
– Vertical scale: 1:1 – height in profile view is the same as in 3D view. 1:2 – height in profile view is a half the size of the 3D view. 2:1 – height in profile view is double the size in the 3D view.
– Show left/right terrain profile checkbox: if checked left and right offset terrain will be visible on profile view (default
color for left offset is orange, for right offset is blue observed in direction of increasing station).
– Offset of left/right terrain profile: User can define value for left/right profile offset.

Safety height profileUser can define the value for safety height line to be shown in the profile view.


TAB Rubrics

– List of available rubrics: STATION – support station number. TERRAIN ELEVATION – height of the terrain points. SPAN – distance between two adjacent supports. TENSION SECTION – distance between two tension supports. CONDUCTOR – name of the conductor model, for each phase in tension section. GROUND WIRE – name of the ground wire, for each wire in tension section.
– Visible checkbox: if checked selected rubric will be visible.
– Name: it does not need to be unique.
– Rubric height: in CAD units.
– Text style: list of all text styles defined in CAD – call STYLE to access text styles.

TAB - Additional Annotations

– Support annotation list: Number – support number starting by the value defined in Edit Power Line dialog. Name – support prefix and number combined. Model – support data model name. Height – support model height. Type – tension or suspension.
– Visible checkbox: if checked selected support annotation will be visible in the profile view.
– Text style: list of all text styles defined in CAD – call STYLE to access text styles.
– Catenary annotations: Lowest point marker – defines the lowest point in the catenary. Max sag marker – defines the maximum catenary sag. Choose “Hide” to hide the marker, “Show” to draw a marker, “Show with value” to draw a marker and its value.

Watch video tutorial to see how the command works