''How to use...'' video tutorials will help you to meet all the main commands in the Power Path software solution.
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[Project Explorer] How to control and edit all power line elements in Power Path?
Project Explorer opens palette PROJECT EXPLORER which contains all power line drawing elements. Project Explorer can be turned on (when the palette is visible) or off (when the palette is not visible).
[Create Surface From File] How to create a surface from points in Power Path?
Creates TIN surface based on imported points coordinates from .txt or .csv file data. X, Y, Z values of the points separated with comma must be defined for each point in file data.
[Create Surface From Points/Polylines] How to create a surface from a drawing entity in Power Path?
Creates a surface based on imported data of drawing entities and makes TIN surface.
[Create Surface By Placing Points] How to create a surface with picking points in Power Path?
Creates TIN surface by picking points on workspace and entering height value in the command bar. On the TIN properties panel, you can see additional information about created surface (number of points, number of triangles, minimum elevation, maximum elevation…).
[Create Surface From 3D Faces] How to create a surface from 3D faces entities in Power Path?
Creates TIN surface from selected 3D face entity, the user has an option for adding 3D faces as breaklines. All additional information about the selected entity is visible in the properties panel.
[Create From Civil 3D Surface] How to create a surface from a Civil 3D surface entity in Power Path?
Creates TIN surface from the selected civil 3D surface. All additional information about the selected TIN surface is visible in the properties panel.
[Assign Image] How to assign images, maps or other raster entity on surface in Power Path?
Assigns selected raster image to the selected TIN surface as a material. Visual style from surface should be set to realistic and triangles must be turned on in properties panel if user want to see assigned image.
[Edit Surface] How to edit created surface in Power Path?
Edits selected surface by adding/removing points, breaklines and boundaries. You can do this action when you have some entities (point, line, …) which are entities of the surface or new entities.
[Import Land XML] How to import LandXML file in Power Path drawing?
Imports Land XML file in drawing and creates TIN surface from that file. Importing Land XML file you can to present or edit in your project any of the ground works, existing infrastructures like roads, railways, channels etc.
[Rename Surface] How to rename created or imported surface in Power Path?
Renames selected surface by entering new name of the surface. You can also rename it in Project Explorer.
[Draw Power Line] How to design power line with defining position of the poles in Power Path?
Draws new power line by picking the positions of tension supports with choosing power line name, station, support name prefix, support counter starting value, tension support model, weather and referent conditions. Drape power line option on existing surfaces in drawing is also available.
[Import Power Line] How to import and create power line by import points of the poles in Power Path?
Imports power line XYZ coordinates from .txt or .csv file and creates new power line based on imported data (supports coordinates and types of supports). If Z coordinates is not defined like 0 values, than software will create power line in 2D (plan view) and in 3D view with supports on values which are defined in Z coordinates.
[Edit Power Line] How to edit designed or imported power line in Power Path?
Edits power line properties by editing power line name, station, support name prefix, support counter starting value, support model (tension or suspension), weather and referent conditions. Defining and changing surface is possible through the drape options.
[Remove Power Line] How to remove power line in Power Path?
Removes power line from drawing including all power line elements (supports, insulators and catenaries) and all data related to the power line elements.
[Add Support] How to add poles on the power line in Power Path?
Adds new tension or suspension support on selected power line with choosing support type, support data model and position where to add support.
[Move Support] How to move poles on the power line in Power Path?
Moves suspension support on power line in direction between two tensions supports. To move tension support just select the power line, than click on support vertex and move it.
[Edit Support] How to edit poles on the power line in Power Path?
Edits support data by editing data model, (X, Y, Z) position of the support, station and orientation. If power line is draped on surface and you try to define some coordinates out of surface position then changes wouldn’t be applied.
[Rotate Support] How to rotate poles on the power line in Power Path?
Rotates support around Z axis. To enable this command you first need to check “Manually set angle” in orientation section of Edit Support dialog. You can also rotate support in Edit Support dialog by checking “Manually set angle” and enter value of the angle.
[Remove Support] How to remove poles on the power line in Power Path?
Removes selected support from the power line. When you start the command and choose support to remove, selected support will be removed. Insulators, conductors/ground wires attached to the selected support will be also removed. When you remove tension support all suspension supports which are in tension section will be also removed.
[Add Insulator] How to add insulators on poles in Power Path?
Adds new insulator to the selected attachment point from selected support with choosing insulator type and insulator data model. User have also option for adding insulators to all supports of the same data models.
[Edit Insulator] How to edit added insulator on power line poles in Power Path?
Edits, adds or removes insulator from support by choosing attachment point of edited insulator on selected support. Here you can add more insulators in one step and there is option “Apply to all supports of the same data model”.
[Remove Insulator] How to remove insulator from the poles in Power Path?
Removes selected insulator from support. When you start the command and choose insulator to remove, selected insulator will be removed and conductor/ground wire attached to the insulator will be also removed. User have option for removing selected insulator from all same support models or just from selected.
[Add Conductor] How to add conductors on insulators in Power Path?
Adds conductor to the existing power line with defining conductor parameters (name, conductor model, support range like first and last support, attachment point, weather and referent conditions). Before adding conductors, supports need to have defined insulators.
[Add Ground Wire] How to add ground wire on poles in Power Path?
Adds ground wire to the existing power line with entering ground wire parameters (name, conductor model, support range, attachment points, weather and referent conditions). Before adding conductors, supports need to have defined insulators.
[Edit Conductor] How to edit added conductors in Power Path?
Edits conductor name, conductor model, weather and referent conditions.
[Edit Ground Wire] How to edit added ground wire in Power Path?
Edits ground wire name, conductor model, weather and referent conditions.
[Remove Conductor] How to remove power line conductors in Power Path?
Removes selected catenary between tension supports. When you choose catenary and remove it, selected conductor/ground wire will be erased from drawing.
[Create Power Line Profile] How to create profile view of the power line in Power Path?
Creates profile view (vertical projections on terrain) of the power line elements (supports, conductors, offset terrains) with written data above supports and in rubrics (conductors data, supports data, distance between supports, elevations data and tension section).
[Refresh Profile Views] How to refresh created profile view in Power Path?
Refresh Profiles updates any changes on power line elements (including all new values) to the profile view. For example, when you add a new conductor to the power line and start the command, new conductor will be added on the profile view with all values related to the conductor.
[Add Support Data] How to customize or add new poles in Power Path?
Defines support parameters (name, type, height and attachment points) and adds new support data model to the existing supports model database. When you adding new supports you are able to add your 3D model and plan symbol of the support or to use auto-generated entities.
[Edit Support Data] How to edit existing or added poles in Power Path?
Edits support data name, height and attachment points.
[Add Insulator Data] How to customize or add new insulator in Power Path?
Defines all insulator parameters (name, type, length, weight and wind area) and adds new insulator to the existing insulator database.
[Edit Insulator Data] How to edit existing or added insulator in Power Path?
Edits all insulator parameters (name, type, length, weight and wind area).
[Add Conductor Data] How to add new conductors in Power Path?
Defines all conductor parameters (name, cross section, diameter, specific weight, elastic modulus, temperature coefficient and nominal tensile stress) and adds new conductor to the existing conductor database.
[Edit Conductor Data] How to edit existing or added conductors in Power Path?
Edits all conductor parameters (name, cross section, diameter, specific weight, elastic modulus, temperature coefficient and nominal tensile stress).
[Import Conductor Data] How to import new conductors in Power Path?
Imports conductor data from a .xml file to conductor data models. After importing you can see in PROJECT EXPLORER on Data Models section imported conductor model.
[Export Conductor Data] How to export added conductors in Power Path?
Exports conductor data models to a .xml which were previously created by user. If you open .xml file where are written conductors you can see all data related to conductors.
[Add Weather Conditions] How to add and apply weather conditions in Power Path?
Adds new weather conditions to the existing weather conditions database with choosing name, temperature, ice load, wind load and direction.
[Edit Weather Conditions] How to edit weather conditions in Power Path?
Edit weather conditions by editing name, temperature, Ice load, wind pressure and wind direction.
[Add Referent Conditions] How to add and apply referent conditions in Power Path?
Adds new referent condition to the existing referent conditions database with choosing name, temperature, tensile stress and defining ice occurs on conductors.
[Edit Referent Conditions] How to edit referent conditions in Power Path?
Edits existing referent conditions model by editing name, temperature, tensile stress and defining ice occurs on conductors.
[Create SAG-Tension Report] How to calculate SAG and TENSION report in Power Path?
Creates SAG-tension report with conductors data and loads calculations between supports. User have an option to save report as .txt or .xlsx file.
[Create Support Report] How to calculate support loads report in Power Path?
Creates support report with support name, type (tension or suspension), orientation, power line direction change, wind span, conductors/ground wires data, conductor loads on attachments points, insulator loads on attachment points and loads on support. User have an option to save report as .txt or .xlsx file.
[Create Powerline Coordinates Report] How to get coordinate pole positions report in Power Path?
Creates power line coordinates report with support name, type (tension or suspension) and X, Y, Z coordinates of support. User have an option to save report as .txt or .xlsx file.
[IFC Import] How to import .ifc, .rvt (Revit), .skp (SketchUp), .dgn (MicroStation) in Power Path?
Imports IFC models to the drawing by selecting .ifc file. BIM information from imported .ifc file are available on properties panel. In this example we adding bridge recorded in .ifc file.
[IFC Export] How to export and use BIM models of the power line created in Power Path?
Exports BIM models from drawing to IFC format. User can choose which power lines and surfaces to export. BIM models can be used in any of the BIM software solutions, for example we opened model in BIM viewer (e.g: BIMcollab ZOOM).
[Power Path Settings] How to set up Power Path drawing units?
Enables general settings - language, type of showing conductor in 3D view (polyline or solid) and showing conductor blowout. Also enables units settings: conductor units, weather conditions units, insulator units, drawing units and precision and other units.
[Help] Where to find Power Path command descriptions?
Opens help documentation on the web page and make easy to user to understand all functionalities of the Power Path software.
[About] How to check which version of the Power Path I use?
Opens dialog that contains software information about version, copyrights and another additional information.