
Step 1:

Click on the setup installation icon.

Power Path Setup Wizard will start.

Step 2:

Check on Next.

Step 3:

Check the box for License Agreement and click on Next.

Step 4:

Choose destination folder to install Power Path and click on Next.

Step 5:

Click on Install.

Step 6:

Select additional tasks optionally and then click on Next.

Step 7:

Check file extensions and icons that you want to be associated with Power Path and click on Next.

Step 8:

Wait until Setup Wizard installs Power Path.

Step 9:

Click on Finish.

If box Launch Power_Path is checked you can go on next step. If you didn't check box Launch Power_Path you need manually to run Power Path as administrator and then go on next step.

How to troubleshoot Power Path installation errors?

If you are launching Power Path software or finishing installation process, an error dialog Program.exe pops up like this (with message: The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140_1.dll or MSVCCP140_ATOMIC_WAIT.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.): 


you don't have the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package already installed on your computer, which is required for CAD/BIM software solutions.

Please follow these steps to solve issue:

Step 1: 

Download Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 from Microsoft Site and install. 

You need to download this one x64


Step 2: 

Than try to uninstall then reinstall Power Path solution. And you will solve this problem!

Step 2.1:  

Alternatively, If the above steps fail try following:

  1. Try to uninstall then reinstall the specific software which is producing the error upon launch. Many software installers contain a specific version of Visual C++ they depend on and reinstalling it may fix the launch issues.
  2. If the reinstall doesn't work, try repairing each Microsoft Visual C++ version through the Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features menu. 
    1. In Windows, open Control Panel > Programs and Features.
    2. Double-click on the earliest desired version of the Microsoft Visual C++ 20xx Redistributable (x64) entry and choose Repair.
    3. Then, continue repairing additional VC++ installs as desired (from older to newer), reboot the PC and test the software again.
  3. After repairing or reinstalling Microsoft Visual C++ runtime, run repair on Power Path software.

Single license (SL) activation

Step 1:

In Bricsys License Manager dialog window Active Power-Path, click on Activate Now... if computer is connected to the internet go on Step 2. If computer is not connected to the internet go on Step 1.1. 

Step 1.1:

If computer is not connected, In Bricsys Licence Manager click on Activate manually…, please copy Computer Hostid: and send it to [email protected].

*Our support team will answer you and provide .lic file for activation. You need to load received .lic file and than click on OK. Skip Step 1 and go on Step 2.

Manual activation is available for Commercial (SL) single license.


Step 2:

Enter your license key and click on OK.

Step 3:

Wait for license validation and click on OK.

*According which license and package of Power Path you activating, you will get message that you
activated one or more license keys

Step 4:

In this step choose CAD profile (workspace). Our recommendation is 2D Drafting.

This dialog will be opened just on first Power Path launching, later user can change profile (workspace) in software.

Now your Power Path software is ready to use:

We sincerely hope, you will enjoy using Power Path software solution!