Attachment points are points on support where the conductor can be attached. Usually, they are placed on consoles.
When defining attachment point one should refer to the support’s local coordinate system: Z-axis is defined at support’s centreline, Y-axis is defined at consoles length and X-axis is defined at support front face.
Attachment point can have one of the following orientations:
- Central
- Front
- Back
- Ground wire
Ground wire orientation is reserved for ground wires, only. Attachment points with ground wire orientation can be placed at any support type. Top elevation is recommended as a placement.
Central orientation can be used for both tension and suspension supports, where for tension supports only pin insulators can be attached, and for suspension supports either pin or suspension insulators can be attached.
Attachment points with front and back orientation are paired. Tension supports can hold strain insulators only if both attachment points are defined. When defining these attachment points front orientations should be defined in the positive direction of x-axis, whereas back should hold negative x-coordinate. When choosing type of attachment point “Tension” is reserved for front/back orientation.
To successfully add conductor or ground wire to the attachment points between two supports their names must be equal. For example, if the first tension support in a tension section has an attachment point named “AP1” all supports between said tension support and the last tension support (including it) in the tension section must have an attachment point named “AP1”.